Today, I created a simple demo for hibernate in Eclipse.
It is very simple. First of all, we have to include all the required
jar files which are needed for developing a hibernate program.
They are available in hibernate2\lib folder and add hibernate2\hibernate2.jar. also
In the same way you can include mysqldriver.jar file also.And my project name is hiberconsoletrial.
Before beginning hibernate code,
we have to create a simple database in MySql. I am using MySql which comes bundled with XAMPP.
Now go to c:\xampp\mysql\bin
>mysql -u root
>create database mycontacts;
>use mycontacts;
>create table mycontactstable (id varchar(4) primary key,name varchar(15), phone varchar(15));
After making a few entries,
I created a new class in hiberconsoletrial. It is a bean(besthiherbean).
and wrote a console class (besthiberbeanuser) in the same folder(hiberconsoletrial\src). Then place properties file and mapping xml file in the same directory where our besthiberbean and besthiberbeanuser classes are available.
Then I went to run configuration and gave required arguments.
It ran successfully!