Today, I successfully developed a demo for getting pictures one by one from the server automatically, by timer effect. I made use of JSON and jQUERY.
This time, I have made use of JSON-Java library as a jar file. I got that from site.
The name of the jar file that I selected is json-simple.jar. There are a lot of json-java librarries there!.
This library is recommended in Ajax on Java book. which I am using.
I placed this jar in tomcat\web-apps\root\web-inf\lib folder.
The jsp code is given below.
JSONObject ob1 = new JSONObject();
JSONObject ob2 = new JSONObject();
String s1="";
s1="alice.jpg"; ob1.put("alice",s1);
s1="clinton.jpg"; ob1.put("clinton",s1);
s1="cindy.jpg"; ob1.put("cindy",s1);
s1="colin.jpg"; ob1.put("colin",s1);
s1="nathan.gif"; ob1.put("nathan",s1);
s1="mathew.gif"; ob1.put("mathew",s1);
ob2.put("myarray",ob1); String r=ob2.toString();
System.out.println(r); // for checking
Now to the client side.
function job5() // jQuery Ajax
a = eval('('+a+')');
function job1()
if(n==7){ n=1}
if(n==1){ s="http://localhost:8080/"+a.myarray.alice} etc
if(n==2) s="http://localhost:8080/"+a.myarray.clinton
function job4()